Teachers Guide to Healthy Circulation & Leg Health

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Thursday, 30 May 2019

Are you a teacher who stands for much of your day? Do you experience leg swelling, discomfort, and pain?  Don’t let uncomfortable leg symptoms and unhealthy veins get in the way of your passion. Here’s our teachers guide to healthy circulation and leg health.

Standing for long periods increases your risk of venous diseases. The signs and symptoms include: tired, achy legs, heavy legs, painful bulging varicose veins, itchy and unsightly spider veins, leg swelling, restless legs, nighttime leg cramps, skin changes and more.

After experiencing tired, achy, heavy legs covered in bruises, local high school teacher, Lydia Gray, sought the help of our experienced team at Vein Specialists of the South in Middle Georgia.

“After the procedures, it was a lot easier to be like I used to…a lot more active…I was able to get back to a normal life very quickly.” – Lydia Gray, teacher in Macon-Bibb County, Georgia

Watch Her Video Testimonial Below

Teachers Guide To Healthy Circulation And Leg Health

Below you will find tips for teachers and other professionals who stand up for very long periods of time at work. These tips will help you prevent leg fatigue, venous disease, and swelling, improving circulation and quality of life.

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Are embarrassing Varicose Veins keeping you from wearing shorts?

  • Understand the underlying cause of varicose veins.
  • Determine if your unsightly varicose veins could be more than a cosmetic concern.
  • Learn what to expect at your vein evaluation.
  • Choose the best treatment options to meet your needs.

Leg Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

As a teacher, you spend countless hours on your feet during the school day. This is important, as it allows you to move freely through the classroom and maintain the attention of your students during instruction.

However, long periods of time on your feet contributes to poor circulation and venous disease. You may notice symptoms such as:

  • leg fatigue, heaviness, and pain
  • itching or burning sensations
  • visible, bulging veins
  • thin blue, red, or purple spider veins
  • leg swelling


If you have these symptoms, some simple lifestyle changes can go a long way to help you improve your leg health and circulation. Even if you do not currently have the above symptoms, these lifestyle changes can help you prevent varicose veinsspider veins, and blood clots.

Teachers Guide To Achieve Better Veins For Life®

Our Better Veins for Life® principles are a set of lifestyle changes that help you improve your leg health and circulation. Here are some rules to live by if you’re a busy teacher on your feet all day long.

Teachers Guide To Comfortable, Healthy Footwear

teachers guide to healthy shoes

High-heels are your enemy. Opt for comfortable flats that provide support, flexibility, and adequate cushioning. Your feet will feel better and your legs will too.

There are many nice, fashionable options for flats. If ballet flats don’t provide enough cushion, stylish sneakers can be worn. Yes, you can wear sneakers even with suits and dresses, while looking professional and chic. You can also add cushioning insoles to any shoes you like to improve comfort while you spend your day on your feet.

Bonus Tip: Remember to take breaks. Have a seat and rub your feet.

Teachers Guide To Daily Leg Elevation

elevate your legs

Putting your legs up on your desk is not what we recommend here. In fact, it may be against school policy. If you do get a lunch break maybe you can have a foot stool to elevate your legs even if you only have 10-15 minutes it can make a difference.

At the end of each day, take 15 minutes to lie back and comfortably elevate your feet above your heart. This helps your blood flow back up to your heart, with the assistance of gravity. You can do this on the couch or your bed using pillows, or you can lie down flat on your back and put your legs vertically against the wall. You can read, get caught up on emails, or spend time with your family during this time.

Bonus Tip: For added circulation and to relieve muscle tension, have your significant other massage your legs and feet, for your health, of course!

Exercise Tips For Busy Teachers

teachers guide to exercise

Spending the entire day on your feet causes enough fatigue that you may feel like you’re working out, but there are muscles you must engage via exercise in order to enhance leg health. Flex your calves throughout the day to encourage healthy blood flow. Park a little farther away from the building, if convenient, to add some steps to your day.

Evening walks with your family can also be a healthy way to improve your leg health.

Bonus Tip: Put a treadmill or exercise bike in front of your television or do your exercise routine while you watch television. This is especially important if you plan to binge-watch to catch up on your favorite TV shows.

Healthy Weight Management

varicose veins and obesity

If you are overweight or obese, it’s important to lose the weight to improve your overall health; it will also impact your leg health. If you already have varicose veins, those will require treatment. However, you can avoid worsening symptoms by losing weight. Seek the help of a physician and start an exercise and diet program today.

We understand this is a lot for a busy teacher, so consider starting during the summer months and then come up with a schedule to maintain your new, healthy lifestyle.

Bonus Tip: On days with good weather, consider taking a page from your students’ playbook and ride a bicycle to and from school. Consider parking farther away to get in some extra steps.

Stylish Compression Stockings For All Lifestyles

compression socks

Socks, sleeves, and stockings that provide graduated compression can help you improve your circulation even when you aren’t exercising. Whether you follow the other tips or not, this is a great place to start to improve your circulation and leg health.

There are fashionable options now that look stylish with any outfit and for any occasion. Our team of specialists can help fit you with the best compression for your needs and lifestyle, while offering savings on multiple purchases through our loyalty program.

Bonus Tip: Join our Compression Coalition loyalty program to score free compression.

Save on Compression Wear!

Compression Coalition is our loyalty program that saves you money while helping you enjoy Better Veins For Life®. Join our program in three simple steps:

  • Purchase the Compression Coalition bundle at our office.
  • Receive a Loyalty Card with two punches for the bundle purchase.
  • Receive your sixth pair FREE*

Learn more and contact us to get started!

Busy Teachers Guide To Vein Evaluation And Treatment

If you are experiencing any of the troubling leg symptoms listed above, we recommend a vein evaluation with our vein specialists in Downtown Macon or Warner Robins, Georgia. The evaluation starts with an educational video on vein disease.

vein evaluation ultrasound

During an in-person evaluation, our team performs a screening ultrasound on the affected area. The ultrasound gives us a view of the invisible causes of your symptoms.

Not all varicose veins can be seen on the surface; so even if you have no visible varicose veins, you may still have venous disease causing other uncomfortable leg symptoms.

After your evaluation, we will present our findings and review appropriate lifestyle changes that may help with your symptoms. Based on your evaluation we will advise you if further testing is recommended. At that visit you will learn what treatment options are best for your varicose veins, spider veins, and/or leg swelling (lymphedema).

Our Vein Treatments Work Into Your Busy Lifestyle

If you require treatments to resolve your venous disease, our minimally invasive procedures require no surgery, no general anesthesia, and little-to-no downtime. We call these our Walk-In, Walk-Out® treatments, because you can walk in, get your treatments right in our office using local anesthesia, and walk right back out with a simple self-adhesive bandage and acetaminophen.

Can’t Get To Our Office? No Problem!

Want better looking and better feeling legs but can’t come in for an in-person evaluation?

Whether you have a very busy schedule or you’re out-of-state, Virtual Vein Specialists allows you to request an online vein evaluation before you ever walk into a doctor’s office. Learn more and get started on your path toward Better Veins for Life®.

Get Started On The Road Toward Better Veins For Life®

We encourage you to come see us for an in-person evaluation or attend one of our free events to find out more about Vein Specialists of the South.

At our events, we offer free education to all attendees. You may also have an evaluation the same day to find out if you need treatments. Compression will be available for purchase, and you will leave with a wealth of knowledge on how to take better care of your legs.

Vein Specialists of the South

If the dates of our events are not convenient for you, you may also schedule your personal vein evaluation. During this appointment, we will listen to your concerns and perform an ultrasound to get a better look at your legs and veins. This will help us determine underlying, invisible issues, and how to best proceed to help you find relief.

At this stage, we will work with you on conservative care and lifestyle changes, such as those listed above, while discussing minimally invasive procedures to treat your veins.  You can return to your life and the important work you do educating the next generation right away.

We are happy to work with you on a treatment schedule that fits your busy lifestyle. Contact us today to get started.

Over 18,000 Procedures Performed

Dr. Kenneth Harper, founder of Vein Specialists of the South, has evaluated more than 22,000 patients and performed over 18,000 procedures since 2000. Dr. Harper is a leader in comprehensive vein care, having focused on diagnosis and treatments for varicose veins, spider veins, venous ulcers, and leg swelling since 1997.


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Vein Specialists of the South Macon


*Individual Results May Vary

Vein Specialists of the South Macon

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Choose Your Location

Macon: 478-743-2472

Warner Robins: 478-743-2472

Locust Grove: 470-880-8346

Are embarrassing Varicose Veins keeping you from wearing shorts?

  • Understand the underlying cause of varicose veins.
  • Determine if your unsightly varicose veins could be more than a cosmetic concern.
  • Learn what to expect at your vein evaluation.
  • Choose the best treatment options to meet your needs.
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